Thursday, September 8, 2011

Smartboard Lessons - Addition Number Talks: Counting All/Counting On Number Sentences for Grades 1-2

Here are your next set of Smart board lessons created from:  “Number Talks Helping Children Build Mental Math and Computation Strategies. As the author of Number Talks, Peggy Parrish" states "Tens-frames are an important tool to help students reason about numbers, subitize, build fluency, work with place value, and compute with addition and subtraction." 

These 36 daily lessons provide multiple opportunities for your students to work with and visualize numbers in a variety of combinations. These Smart Board documents have been created to develop student's use of mental computation strategies for "Addition: Counting All/Counting On" using dot images, rekenreks, tens-frames, and number sentences.

All Smart board lessons provide a lesson plan to facilitate direct instruction and follow-up activities, as well as supporting website resources, and activities links in the resource section. In the resource section, you will find links your students can use in the computer lab for follow-up practice.

The next set of lessons that I will upload for you will focus on introducing and developing math fact strategies for first and second grade by working with Doubles/Near Doubles using Rekenreks, Tens-Frames, and Number Sentences.

Feel free to request more information or send questions. I would be happy to respond.  For anyone who is unable to open Smart Board documents, I will be creating these in power point when I have completed the Smart Board Lessons.


  1. Hello!

    My name is Missy Kennedy and I teach third grade. I am part of the postcard exchange and wanted to let you know about my class.

    Our school is Parkview Baptist School and is located in Baton Rouge, the capitol of Louisiana. We are celebrating our 30th birthday this year and are the largest private school (non-parochial) in the state.

    We are excited about getting to know more about your class. I have a postcard exchange page on my blog and hope you visit. We have some questions for you to answer listed on that page. I will post as I receive postcards.

    Looking forward to meeting you and your class,

    Mrs. Kennedy
    The Kennedy Korral Blog

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas on this wonderful blog! I want to share the Sunshine Award with you! Check out my blog for the award button and the rules. Happy Monday!


  3. you have awesome blog! i love cupcakes too ♥ where did you get all these cupcake things? "Grab my button", "simbly first grade fun" and else =)

  4. What a cute blog! Just found you and followed! Come visit me soon!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  5. Thanks for your comments and kind words!! I've been negligent on posting more of my smartboard documents. I've had lots of changes these last few months so it's time to redirect myself to my first love ~ sharing!!

  6. Hi were the first to comment so you get my new unit for FREE!!! Please leave me your email under my comments so I can email it to you ;)

  7. Hi! I am really interested in using your smart board lessons but am having a hard time figuring out how to download them. Please help!
    laswarbrick {at} gmail {dot} com Thanks so much!

    1. I am also very interested but can not download either. Can you please help us?? Thank you so much. My email is culver_jane@
