Sunday, August 28, 2011

Smartboard Back to School Bingo - Using Pictures

Hello Everyone,

I love using the Smart board and what better way to use it than with whole group bingo games. I thought you might like this "Back to School Bingo" game that I will be playing with my students when they begin school (after Labor Day).

So Prepare Your Supplies

It's very easy to use this bingo game. First, print off the bingo cards and the bingo board for your students. Then your students can cut the cards apart and glue them on their bingo board.

Smart board Printing Tip:

For those of you who have not printed any Smart board documents. Follow these directions:
1. Go to print set-up and select landscape
2. Go to print, delete the date that automatically appears.
3. Print with or without the border (I usually keep the border when I print Smart Board documents)
4. Select the page numbers to print (page 3 cards and page 4 bingo board)
5. Add the quantity that you want to print.

Then Play the Game

Once your students have cut-out the cards and glued them to the bingo board, open the Smart board document and select the "Call Board" page for game play. Here you will be able to select the picture for students to find on their bingo board to cover. The caller can slide the called picture on the "Call Board" into the grid.

I created the "Call Board" to provide an easy visual for students to follow and I added extra "Call Board" slides (cloned) to allow playing more than one bingo game.

Let the Winner Call the Next Game

Once you have a bingo winner, allow your winner and a partner to call the next pictures and slide the pictures on the call board. This is a hit with my students.

Once you close the game, do not save and it will be ready for the next time you wish to play.

Here is a visual of the bingo game. The link is below for you.

Game Cards

Game Board

Bingo Call Board

Print the bingo game here:

Since I love bingo games .... watch for more of my Smart board bingo games:
Halloween ... Thanksgiving ... Christmas,  and more ~ ~ ~

Smart Board Tips

I have been using the Smart board for several years and conduct training sessions in my district. If anyone has any questions about the Smart board software ... please send me your questions and I will surely try to answer them for you.

FYI: Dot Detectives for 3

I changed the embed code for Dot Detectives for 3 as I was informed I used the wrong code, so please download the corrected copy. Sorry about that. Please let me know when you find any errors, as I will surely correct them and reload the documents.


  1. Awesome Smartboard lessons! I have a Smartboard but get frustrated with having to learn how to do everything on it! I am going to try your lessons! I am now a follower and have a new blog myself!!! Yours is adorable! You can check out mine if you want!

    Thanks for sharing!!!


  2. What a fun activity! I love my Smartboard and am always looking to learn more about it. I am following you know. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  3. You have the cutest design for your blog. :) I am your newest follower and hope that you will continue blogging. You are a fabulous writer!


    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  4. Hi Pat! Your blog is super cute! Thanks for all of the fantastic Notebook files! I downloaded the back to school bingo activity. Can't wait to use this! I blogged about your blog! Stop over and see it!

    Creative Lesson Cafe

  5. Thanks for your kind words!!! I've been negligent on posting more of my smartboard documents. I've had lots of changes these last few months so it's time to redirect myself to my first love ~ sharing!!


    1. Thanks Pat! We busy teachers really appreciate it! Like I said in my post, I just don't have the time I'd like to spend with my SMARTboard and your lessons are so adorable! Hope things settle down for you soon.


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